Saturday, March 28, 2015

March Minutes

DATE: March 7, 2015
MEMBERS PRESENT: Roxane, Heidi, Rebecca (new member), Molly (new member), Kathryn, Susan W. Allyson, Patti, Laurie, Joyce, Carlene (visitor) Loraine, Nedra, Julie, Sue, RoLayne, Jean, Susan C., Wanda

1. Some members are not getting the e-mail invites so we will post information on the blog about the next meeting going forward.
2. New members – Rebecca Wilkinson and Molly Kohler – were welcomed.
3. Nedra gave an update on our account. She also requested a copy of our January minutes. Roxane assigned to get these.
4. Membership dues are due and the names of who paid were read. Roxane going to contact those who hadn’t paid to be sure if they wanted to continue their membership or not.
5. Julie discussed our block exchange. The fabric for the jewel-toned exchange has not come in yet at Village Dry Goods. Each block member got ½ yard till fabric comes in.
6. A discussion was held regarding where we would meet each month. We are going to try the Bunderson Elementary in April and then decide. If we go to the Party Barn we will need to each donate a $1.00 each meeting. Those in attendance each gave $1.00 for the March meeting.
7. Retreat was discussed. We have 11 signed up so far and will limit attendance at 18-20.
8. Roxane started a friendship basket – we will pass it around until everyone has had a turn. You will fill the basket with things that tell about you and then pass it to the next person you choose. They get the items in the basket. The basket was handed off to Rebecca Wilkinson.
9. Activities for the upcoming months was discussed.
- In April we will have our Annual Spring Fling. Members encouraged to bring unwanted books, patterns, fabrics and UFOs. Also need to bring ½ yard of a fabric you do not want. We will also be working on our charity project. Bring a 10” square of red fabric. We will be making lap quilts for Meals on Wheels and our goal is to finish a few quilts. After Quild members can stay and free sew.
- May we will be having a trunk show.
- June Guild will meet at My Girlfriends Quilt Shop in Logan. We have their Retreat room from 10:30 – 6 pm. We will have lunch. Members are to bring a potluck to share (salads/desserts) as well as own drinks. Guild to provide Sub sandwich.

BIRTHDAYS: Heidi, Fran and RoLayne

SHOW AND TELL: Laurie – Nickel quilt, quilt from leftovers, “Quilt” quilt, BOM quilt with magic binding, Winds of Change quilt and Edon Quilt; Nedra – 2 bags, Autumn, Halloween, Spring,4th of July, and Valentine table runners, Micro bowl holder, hot pads, tissue cover, and Lanyards; Kathryn – March Hare wool runner and cow pin cushion; Joyce – reversible table runners, Old World Santa red work quilt, and Gold and Red quilt.

GUILD ACTIVITY: Demonstration on Precuts by Laurie and RoLayne

REFRESHMENTS: Jean and Kathryn

NEXT MEETING: April 4, 2015